Sunday, July 14, 2013


My prayers are wearing thin. I'm worn, even before the day begins. I've lost my will to fight. 

I want to know that something can rise out of the ashes of a broken life. As my past runs swiftly to catch me, I struggle to find the words. 

The rush of the cold builds inside my breaking heart. All that races through my mind is the choices I've made. All that controls my tongue is the voice of the person who once was.

Slowly I left my head from my hands and with a heavy heart I sink to my knees. I try to lift my eyes but I am too weak. I know that He can give me rest, so I cry out weakly with all that I have left. 

"I'm scared I'll never be good enough for you." my voice cracks as my heavy eyes stare down at the floor. "All I've ever done is disappoint you over and over again."

"Yet I still love thee."  a small voice whispers within my aching soul. 

"But why? How could you love something as worthless as me?I've fallen too far to love."

"Don't you know who you are child?" The voice asks softly. Words can't escape my broken lips, I only shake my head in shame of who I've let myself become. 

Friday, June 7, 2013

The Voiceless

"They say you'll rot in Hell, but I don't think you will."

Tears fall the same, all of us feel rain and some of us really just can't change. You've branded everyone enough, leaving them with nowhere else to go. The only answer they know is "No." The nights just get more lonely, left lost and alone. Abandoned by a society who rejects them for being them. 

We all love, no matter who it is, if it's a boy or a girl, our hearts still beat the same. We all yearn for someone to hold us tight at night, to let us know that everything is going to be alright. There is no reason for you to rob someone of the happiness and joy that love brings. 

You say God loves all His children, that He wants us to be happy, but yet you go against what you read in your religious books just because you don't like one thing about someone. We weren't made to play God and it's none of your damn business how someone chooses to live their life. 

We say as a society that we should be help one another but behind closed doors, what are we teaching our children? To judge? To hate? You take away the voice of those who just want to love, to be who they are. Instead we just turn our backs while they suffer. We've created a world so painful that most would rather die. We force them to be alone or to hide their love. We as a society shove shame down their throats until it's the last thing they breathe. 

I don't know if you realize what you are doing. We are all humans and it's about time you realize that. We all feel pain, maybe you should start putting yourself in others shoes and realizing that maybe, just maybe that all kinds of love, is the same love.  Every last one of us deserves to be loved, to have someone beside us who loves us even on our worst days. And that is why I support it. Because if we are going to take away their rights and their voices, then take away mine too because I want nothing to do with them.

If you go to Hell for loving someone, then we're all commended. If supporting someone I love means losing my salvation, then maybe it's not salvation after all. Because my darling, if Hell is where you go, I'll be right beside you for the ride. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Little Lady

Your little heart beats as I hold you safely in my arms, Your eyelids fluttering at the softest sound as your pacifier moves to the beat of your innocent dreams.

A single tears rolls down my cheek as I know our time together will be cut short. Soon I will leave and you will grow up, not knowing who I am when I return.

Looking down at your beautifully pale face, my heart breaks. All I can think of is the pain you'll someday have to endure; the boy that will break your heart, the girls that will crush your self esteem and those who will leave you.

But that's why I have to leave.

I won't let you fight through everything I had to. Even if it means leaving you for a little while, I'll do whatever I can to protect you from the pain.